Minimalism is on the rise, or perhaps it never went out of fashion! Because we know that Coco Chanel extolled the virtues of minimalism, “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” And followers of style initiatives like Project 333 are embracing the ‘simple is the new black’ philosophy.
Our schedules are busy with not enough hours in the day, and lifestyle gurus are reminding us to slow down, and keep it simple. So why not start with what we wear, because it’s a great way to show to the world who we are and what we stand for. But don’t worry, it’s not about going cold turkey on the bling, but you could go minimal with a twist.
So at Farlang, we love the clean lines and precision of the design in the Large Theorem pendant by Ellie Thompson; mathematical theories combined with gemstones that create a perfect minimal design with a twist. Or the calm, cool and collective air of the jewelry by Claudia Endler, with a strike/hit of colour to add that important twist to make the designs stand-out and be noticed.
And what could be more minimal and that spheres and circles, capturing the ethos of modernism through Paul Klee’s “Taking a line for a walk”; and when Diana Widman takes a line for walk she creates these elegant forms that are, at the same time, both light and bold.
Now that’s a twist!